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HWPL Hosted YEPW in Ethiopia!

  Ethiopian Youth Calls for National Harmony at YEPW   On 5 January, the Youth Empowerment Peace Workshop (YEPW) was held at the CPU Business and Information Technology College in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with over 80 youth from diverse ethnic backgrounds gathered as participants. The participants at the workshop prepared for the harmony of Ethiopia discussed on three topics: 1) What are the challenges for making one Ethiopia? 2) When do you feel Ethiopia as one nation? and 3) How can we gather all the ethnic groups to become one Ethiopia? After the discussions, guests gave speeches and together, the participants made a hand-printed flag. Also, youth organizations announced plans to make “One Ethiopia.” Yonas Berhanu, the Executive Director of Live for Generation, called for love for humanity and solidarity through his speech by saying that, “I understand that in order for Ethiopia to become a country that goes beyond itself and generous to the world, we might realize that all nation bein

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